I was hanging out at my in-laws and decided baby needed some tummy time! So I put her down on a blanket and was just chillin next to her with Jenae. Well, she decided she didn't want to be on her tummy anymore and flipped over! All three of us (me, Jenae, and mom) froze and went silent for a couple seconds then we all started screaming!! (girls! haha) I was so proud of her! She is growing up so fast!
Oh! Since she is rolling over now, I decided to break out a new toy!

Notice how her feet don't even touch! I was in such a hurry to put her in it that I didn't even put the toys on! haha she loved it anyway!
Our adventure with mimi! (aka grandma) Looking for hats for the beach!

Soakin up the sun while Rachel mows her grass!

I'm so in love with this little girl!
I love the pony tail! So cute!